- ESL 9, Pronunciation I, MW 11-12:20pm
- ESL 10, Pronunciation II, MW 12:30-1:50pm
- ESL 34, Intermediate ESL I, M-Th 4:30-6:50pm
- ESL 35, Intermediate ESL II, M-Th 8:30-10:50am
- ESL 103, Written Communication III, TTh 6-8:20pm
- ESL 130, Academic Reading I, MW 12:30-1:50pm
- ESL 131, Academic Reading II, MW 11-12:20pm
Please continue to help recruit appropriate students into these classes by Labor Day, Sept. 3, which is also the last day to add a credit class.
Campus Police continues to honor a grace period of not citing students in all lots during the first two weeks of the semester -- with the exceptions of handicapped and red zone areas, where violators will always be ticketed.
Campus Police also offers a 24/7 security escort program, which is very welcoming news to our evening students and staff. The extension to dial Campus Police is 2289.
If you are considering presenting at one of the upcoming CATESOL conferences, please note the following deadlines:
- Aug. 31 for the early-bird submission for the State Conference
- Sept. 7 for proposal submission to present at this year's San Diego Regional.
Finally, please respond to Monica's emailed call for your directory listing information, if you have not already done so. A timely compilation and dissemination of an updated dept. directory for this semester will greatly facilitate our intra-departmental communication.