After serving the college for 33 years, Katheryn Garlow will retire later this month. On this bittersweet occasion, I am taking the liberty of publishing this letter written by Shayla on behalf of our dept. to nominate Katheryn as this year's "Alumna of the Year." As we know, Katheryn received the honor at the college's graduation ceremony in May.
During the five months as the dept. chair, I have had numerous chances to interact with Katheryn directly. My impression of Katheryn as a true professional who cares passionately about serving all students has been strengthened. There is never a trace of elitism in her as evidenced by her advocating for the most downtrodden members of our community as well as by the homely furnishings in her office as a dean. Her will to do what is right instead of rigidly following the books has also been equally impressive. If Palomar Colleg is a people's college, as former college president George Boggs put it, then Katheryn Garlow is a people's dean.
Since Katheryn is loath to be the center of attention at a party setting, the Instructional Services has planned an Open House on Tuesday, December 11, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm, in Room AA-109, in lieu of a special party. Please plan to attend to enjoy each other’s company – or say good-bye to our long-time colleague and leader Katheryn. You can stop by for a moment or the whole time to spend some time with Katheryn before she retires to New Mexico.
According to the Division Secretary, Anna Hilton (ext. 2251), there are a couple of ways that you can contribute to the Open House. Food – bring one of your favorite appetizers or desserts, or Anna will be taking donations to contribute to a group gift that will be purchased by Vice President of Instruction Berta Cuaron.
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